Saturday, March 15, 2003

So, it's not alright for self proclaimed prophets to kidnap children, good to know. I'll bare that in mind when I finally decide to type my own Manifesto, my personal dogma that will guide the world towards Cupie delivered enlightenment. I've already made note that mail bombing is sadly frowned upon when trying to get the manifesto out to the world. Also note, when abducted by wacky prophets, be sure to be photogentic and talented? I was appalled by one story that said all this attention on Elizabeth Smart was due to her wealthy family but mostly her beauty made for good press, oh the tragedy. God forbid your ugly and get abducted, your fucked. (Note to self: ugly ones lead to less exposure, must take pretty.) The world moves at the same speed day in and day out, so why does it seem to be hurling faster into an abyss of reality television and a World Beauty Pagent. Hot Or NOT.....*hork* *spew* *thwaaapft*