I awoke this morning to news that a possible meteorite passed over our Washington skies at approximately 2:45 a.m., I wish I could have seen such a glorious event, but alas, I was suspended in slumber and didn't hear the "boom". This picture of the event (?) found on the CBS news site, looks suspiciously like sperm to me. They think the spermy meteorite landed in the rural trailer park littered Chehalis, just south of the Capitol city Olympia and the mythology begins. "It just lit up the mountain ridges, and the first thing I thought of was al Qaeda." -British Columbia trucker...Thanks BC guy, not that we're paranoid or anything but I do find it suspicious that George Tenet chose today to resign from the CIA. Let's just chalk this whole episode off to Scott Adam's (yep, the Dilbert fella) God Debris theory and God in all his glory and penchant for creation, shot off an errant load of um...space jiz...and if that's the case, do we earthlings spit or swallow? Somewhere in Chehalis Washington is a blue dress with the alleged celestial evidence and in the coming days the truth will be told. :D