This article was declined by USA Today, but thankfully she posted it on her website so you can see for yourself her demise. She is one scary woman, a two columns shy of sitting next to Courtney in Bellevue, straightjacket kinda scary. David Weigel an intern at USA Today comments on the papers decision to decline her column.
- Coulter turned in a strikingly incoherent column yesterday, which she has now posted on her website. I fact-checked it, but while I did the editorial honchos decided not to publish.
- I think the honchos are right. It's a terrible piece of writing. I mean, "Sadly, they won't be fighting to the death as is done in W.W.F. caged matches"? People DON"T FIGHT TO THE DEATH in cage (not "caged") matches! This was way below the level of writing in Coulter's books, which I think were what we thought she would provide to ... you know ... the audience of America's largest-circulation newspaper.
- Coulter has proven a complete jackass in her response to this. I caught her telling Sean Hannity that USA Today wanted her "byline," and were interested in the idea of a conservative writer without having the balls to actually print one. Yeah, Ann. That's right. The paper that prints Michelle Malkin and Jonah Goldberg is afraid to publish a real conservative.
Talk to the hand! Sink or swim, I'm waiting for her to sink, she won't be alone, she'll be floating amidst the likes of Michael Savage's faltering career due to his 'sodomite spew' and there ya have it, I've reduced free speech to ass-fucking. Hot damn Martha, get me some astroglide!