It's not what you wear or how you wear it, its what you read and when your wearing it.
In the past couple of years, the once fusty and elitist world of literature has undergone a makeover: books have not only become a little less bookish, they have actually become hip. For a jaded generation of late twenty- and early thirtysomethings, literature is filling the slot once occupied by nightclubs, records, trucker caps and magazines. These neoliterati are just like any dudes and dudettes slouching on the Tube, wearing Converse All Stars, with scuffed hair and bulging pupils — only they’re more likely to be engrossed in the first-edition Anthony Burgess paperback they found on eBay than the latest issue of Dazed & Confused.
What are you reading now & why, dazzle me, strike a fashionably literary pose, make me buy more books, because as if you may have guessed by now, I'm hip to lit, I'm 'in', I'm 'fashionable', I'm, babbling.
[Via: Bookslut]