Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The John-John Ticket, Unfortunately Not the Jon-Jon Kennedy Ticket, but it will do, I suppose.....mmmkay

I must retract a statement made earlier on this blog that John Kerry's balls have finally dropped, I was wrong, only one ball is dangling and his name is John Edwards. I guess it will have to do, although I would have been more apt to give a shit if it were Clinton. I will refrain from any other political references for a while as lately, all the blogs and news I read are so fucking mean. The republicans suck, the democrats suck, we ALL having been given the ability to suck so you wouldn't think its such a bad thing, but when all the negative bashing bullshit reduces you to a bottle of White Zinfandel and quoting lyrics from the musical Hair its time to chill on the political crap, that is, until I feel its necessary to bitchslap the epidemic of ignorance down once again. Benjamin Franklin once said "Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy." in moderation of course and If that's what it takes to make it through this election, it will have to do! Oddly enough that post brought on more freakin' email than I could ever imagine and thanks for all the kind words and as for the marriage proposal, I'll have to to pass for now or at least until you submit your name. Alrighty people have an excellent Tuesday.