After Linda Ronstadt praised Michael Moore's Farenhiet 911, she was booed by the audience and kicked off the property of the Alladin Casino in Las Vegas. FUCK THAT and while we're at it Fuck that Casino with a damn corkscrew, ahem.
It was my understanding that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But, if you say something unpopluar your ass is outta there...........stiiiiiiiiiiirike! This is getting out of hand folks. Yeah, they paid to hear the puppet sing her classic hits, but when the artist colored outside of the lines, she was promptly disciplined, they took her crayons away. What the fuck is going on in this world? I'm sick of this censorship crap. Chill out people, I've said it before and I'll say it again, the world will keep spinning whether or not we like our leader. Relax, eat some carbs for the love of fuck and chill out. [Via: Team Cho]