I'm having one of 'those' weeks, the kind of week where no matter how nice I am, no matter how prepared I think I am life, the fickle bitch she is, taunts me with stupidity. To be fair, because I'm all about fair, some of the stupidity was my own doing, but for the most part my biggest beef with this week so far is that I'm sick and fucking tired of the mean, nasty, and cruel people that have entered my store wanting Unfit for Command by those bitter swift boat comrades (right) that have come out against Kerry. I can't believe how many people want to read that shit, but we do love to read the dirt, don't we?
Also, with the Release of Bill Clinton's biography, I've heard nothing but bitter bitch comments from less than quality people. I've even had people call and complain about a Clinton display. It's my turn to say...SHUT UP! I don't want to hear the hate, I won't participate. I won't laugh at your not-so-witty comments and in my store it will NOT be tolerated, so save the pathetic swipes at liberals for someone who gives a shit, because being a nasty fuck will get you no where in life, except perhaps a gig in Politics.
Life is indeed a bitch, but she's amusing as well and if people took more time to laugh at themselves instead of wasting energy hating on others, everyone would be far more pleasant to deal with. Futile? Yeah, well I'll just keep smiling at all the conservative tight asses and hatemongers, I'll laugh with a dead on stare at their not-so-witty slams at the left and then I'll enquire about their perfect lives, their stellar ability to challenge what the refuse to understand and while they stammer over their answers in all their perfection and morality, I'll take their money like the good capitalist I am and carry on with day. Snarf.