MATTHEWS: So tell us about the events we'll be talking about tonight.
Cupie: Oh, I went into Seattle with my friend Laura, she invited me to the pre-season Seahawks vs. The Broncos on Saturday, gosh we had a blast! This is wierd, I never thought I'd be talkin' to the mainstream media about it.
MATTHEWS: Nobody has ever called me mainstream before but thank your for the (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I guess I'm big time now.
Cupie: Whatever dude, um...anyhoo, copious amounts of beer were consumed throughout the game....
MATTHEWS: I think the president, if he wanted this to stop would make one phone call. Karl Rove, would make one phone call and that would be the end of the ads. That's what think, and you know that's true, right?
Cupie: Yeah, I'm with ya there, so um...the Hawks played for shit, so we had another beer, there were so many hot guys around us....I was all *droolin'*....
MATTHEWS: Is that true? If he wanted to stop them, he could stop them.
Cupie: I'm thinking he only has the ability to 'start' things, unlike the Seahawks...they keep fucking up, jesus.
MATTHEWS: What do you mean by self-inflicted? Are you saying he shot himself on purpose? Is that what you're saying?
Cupie: What? Mmmmkay, after a few beers and many trips to the bathroom, I left the bathroom with the seatcover stickin' outta my pants, that was funny.
MATTHEWS: I'm asking a simple question. Are you saying that he shot himself on purpose.
Cupie: I'm sayin' I had the toilet paper seat cover sticking out of the back of
MATTHEWS: And I'm asking question.
Cupie: Laura wouldn't pull it out for me :( so I had this paper dangling from the back of my pants and....
MATTHEWS: Did he shoot himself on purpose.
Cupie: I pulled it out myself and LOL....
MATTHEWS: No one has ever accused him of shooting himself on purpose.
Cupie: Well sure, but I didn't plan to leave the paper in my ass crack, I was just having a good time...pee'd...stood up...ass crack coveted seat cover kinda situation....
MATTHEWS: Your saying there are—he shot himself on purpose, that's a criminal act?
Cupie: Okay, maybe I had one too many beers, its not like I kept the seat cover as a souvenier, I mean, the Seahawks lost why would I need something to remind me of that....shit....I'm outta here dude.
MATTHEWS: That's cast a lot of doubt. That‘s complete nonsense.
Cupie: Yeah, well you don't have a paper cut on your bum, now do ya?