Monday, August 16, 2004

Harry Potter Was A Bear, Harry Potter Had No Hair, So Harry Potter Wasn't Hairy Was He? Or Was He? Hmmm

JK Rowlings is halfway through #6 Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince and taunts us with a few facts and things to think and over-speculate about:

Aberforth Dumbledore is the barman in the Hog's Head
Dumbledore's patronus is a phoenix
Grawp will be more controllable in the sixth book
We will see a bit more of Rita Skeeter
There will be a new character called McLagan
Harry does NOT have a godmother

[via: Dizzy Girl]

With that to think on now take some time to enjoy the musical sensation that is Harry & The Potters two guys with keyboards and entirely to much HP knowledge streaming through their brains. My favorite song "Stick It To Delores" a sampling of lyric:

We don't care for your
Defense against the Darkarts Class
you undermine our intelligence
we won't take any more of this

Oh MY GOD, you look like a frog,
Oh MY GOD, you look like a frog,
Oh MY GOD, you look like a frog,
Umbridge your going down
Umbridge your going down
Umbridge your going down

Rock On! ;) [via: Biz]