Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Joy Of Sundays

Joi Ito's, summer reading list via NPR.

Damn, I've been in a sinus haze for about 4 days now, you catch all the good stuff when you travel by plane. Friday, the headache that was throbbing for two days busted open and while trying to sleep, I amused my cats with bubbles of snot, I slept for shit. Yesterday the nose wouldn't stop running, I managed to make it through my nieces 8th birthday party, because my sister doped me up with some Tylenol Cold & Sinus which I think I'm in love with, except that today I experienced spontaneous unconsciousness, naps whenever, where ever...dayum. I just woke from one and came over to check my email it was like morning all over again, I even continued drinking from the same coffee cup, the java was cold and then I remembered I made that shit this morning, yum. You've been a great audience, Thanks and good night. :D :|