The White House took weeks to separate themselves from the Swiftboat Vet's ass- reaming book Unfit For Command, it has taken them all of minutes to to call Kitty Kelly's biopic portrayal of the Bush Family as 'trash'. On the Today show this morning Matt Lauer was commended by Ms. Kelly for interviewing her despite pressures from The White House to do otherwise. Matt was far from soft on Ms. Kelly and her 'type' journalism and shortly after Ms. Kelly's appearance Sharon Bush was there to refute statements she made in front of witnesses.
An unprecidented amount of trees have given their lives for more bitter bullshit, again proving that the Bush Administration is not friendly to the environment, lol. Anyhoo, I'm sure that the book will hit number 1 on the bestseller lists and I'm sure I'll hear all sorts of hateful crap from customers who'll liken booksellers to the spawn of Satan. This has got to be the most hateful political climate I have ever experienced, damn fine work there Dubya, everyone hates everyone, God Bless America.