Friday, November 12, 2004

Let There Be Spew!

What a bad blogger I've been this week, Tara Reid unknowingly flashed her bulbous bawdy breast and I was too exhausted to share. If your at work don't click this link to see Tara's elliptical areola (that's some funky shit). I hate when I'm in front of the paparrazi and my breast decides to say hello.

Yasser Arafat died, I slept, the middle east will now have peace, LMFAO, but hey the President is optimistic. What the hell, optimism in infectious, and I'm optimistic that more Americans will die for peace in the God damned Middle East.

Amazon Theater: When your tired of browsing for books at Amazon, you can now waste more precious time watching exclusive short flicks made just for the almighty A. I just watched Minnie Driver as an extra strength aspirin chewing executive and I'm thinking, they should have had her chew some Midol. Your not really a woman until you've chomped on a few Midol. Your not really an Amazon slut if you haven't watched the flick yet. ;)

Fahrenheit 9/11 Ver 2.0? This ought to piss off a few people, yippeeeeee!

Pee Wee Herman Returns!!! There is a God and he's probably got a boner now. LMFAO (How wrong am I? =P) Alrighty, welcome back Pee Wee!

Doctor Discovers the 'Orgasmatron'
While Dr. Stuart Meloy was working on a new device to treat chronic pain, he was surprised to discover it could also bring pleasure to his female patients.

This should help with the back pains, yeah, that's the ticket, I want one of these for my back problems, yeah. [via: Dave Barry]

More Spew later....