Wednesday, November 24, 2004


1.) When I have a man in my life, I'm thin. When I don't have a significant other, I'm lil' miss pudgy *gag* wubby. I've been fat along time. :D

2.) Today I bought some underwear that comes up over the belly to give the appearance of a flat tummy, now if that ain't some sexy shit I don't know what is.

3.) When I'm exhausted I tend to babble about nosensical shit, like my super sized granny-panties *sizzle* =P

4.) I believe that my Milkshake may have curdled.

And there you have it, we're ready for the shoppers on Friday...basically all we have to say is "I'm sorry, the Da Vinci Code is NOT in paperback, despite what you may have seen at the airport, muthafucka..". Okay, so I don't think the whole "muthafucka" shit would be in the spiel, who can say? I'm tired. G'night