Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Oh Yeah, I Have A Blog

Dear Blog,

I know I've been neglecting you, but its not you, its me. With Thanksgiving 10 days out, the workload has been heavy. People have started shopping already, so when I get home the last thing I'm thinking about is you. I uncontrolably nap when I get home, and the computer makes me think of work and thats the last thing I want to think about after a long day of mall dwellers all up in my face.

Don't get me wrong, I love you, I just won't be as attentive until January, you know it happens this way every year, don't take it personally, exhaustion takes over and I'm sorry to say your the last thing I think about. I know, I know, you think its because the election is over and since my candidate didn't win you think I'm all pissy about that and taking it out on you. Not true, people do stupid shit daily, and gosh golly gee its fun to spew about. There are stupid meme's to share, stupid pictures to share, just know dear blog--that it will be sporadic--at least until January.

I know, with patience, we'll make it through the next 40 odd days and things will be right again.
