A chess set formally owned by Charlemagne, a female computer specialist circa 1973, Napoleon, Catherine The Great, the French Revolution, The Music Of The Spheres,Algeria, OPEC, The Periodic Table Of Elements, a wee little dog and her mistress and Khadafi--say what? All of the above play a part in Katherine Neville's The Eight. White Queens, Black Kings, pawns and rooks-I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' no chess game Ms. Scarlett-but, I loved the fast paced race to save the world from itself. I loved it! Do ignore the Amazon reviews, angry over-thinkers that undoubtedly are not published , however, do read the book. It was published in 1989 and maybe you have read it already, I'm kinda slow to the get go on things and I believe you experience things or read certain books when the time is right in your own life and it was the right time for me.
I've got this thing going on, when I look at the clock the time usually reads as 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55, it kinda creeps me out a bit. My employee's know when I'm near a clock at any given time during the day because they hear "d'oh" or "Whoa" coming from a very baffled me. If I were to believe the stuff I've read on the internet I've found correlating to my latest quirk, you'd find that I am divine and God has a message for me, please let it be the lottery God, thanks. Anyhoo, this quirk brought me to The Eight, apparently and coincidentally it was the right moment in time for moi to devour the book. How I do enjoy the freaky connectivity of our existence.
I won't go into the character development or the story line for that matter, that's up to you to decipher; I'm not a reviewer of books as much as I am a lover of a good story. I'm fascinated by what we refuse to learn from history and constantly amazed by how everything in some way, is connected and this book plays into that. What I will say is that I enjoyed it immensely and that it was book number 3 in the 50 Book Challenge (yeah, I'm a little behind if I want to meet my goal, but I will, no worries, really...um...).