Friday, August 11, 2006

Colbert Bitch Posse

This guy wants to be Stephen Colbert's "Gamer" friend. And we all know that Stephen is searching for a new "Black" friend. Well then, I want to be the Queen Bee of Stephen Colbert's Bitch Posse. I know a man full of virtue such as he wouldn't ever consider a wench on the side and no woman in their right mind should ever be a second to anyone, yes, even Stephen (No offense to Mr. Colbert, but it's the truthiness of the matter)

Stephen Colbert's Bitch Posse would be comprised of strong, independent women that on occasion have been known to lick her computer monitor while visiting The Colbert Nation website. Bill O' Reilly doesn't have a Bitch Posse (thank God)and do you ever see prominent female guests flirt with O' Reilly, not sober they don't.

Women love them some Colbert, I love some Colbert. So, I would think Stephen should pick me Queen Bee of his Bitch Posse, because I want it, I don't need it, but want is a very powerful emotion, just ask the 3 gazillion Beanie Babies I've just packed up. Keep in mind that if Stephen does pick me as his Queen Bee, all we be right in the world and this very action could help in staving off the impending world war methinks...or not...hell, I wink at chocolate.

Join NOW!!!

[Gamer link via Jericho]