Holy Shit! It's fucking scary windy out tonight, very scary. Power outages abound, earlier thunder and lightening smacked their shit up in every one's face. Damn. We've had power surges, outages and just fucking weird ass weather for the past 24 hours. All this adds to the joy at work; one more quit today, never to return and leaving me standing 3 hours straight ringing people up. This experience is going to melt my frickin' mind for sure. *twitch* :P~
On a lighter note, one of my customers showed me the proper way to pin curl my hair, hers are always lovely, even when she was on Dateline. Weird ass day. Oh. My. Gust! Well, I meant to say God, but a gust got in the way....gah....glurp.
"Success is the quality of your journey" - Jennifer James
Wind gust-very scary. Have a loverly evening, tomorrow and etc.
Really. :)