Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Big Fish

I was listening to my favorite talk radio show yesterday afternoon and the best story of the day sandwiched between political spew was about the huge ass muthafuggin fish. Now, to some of you this may seem odd that I would find this interesting, but I have this sinus infection you see and I'm a wee bit over-tired and delirious this week and all the Reagan news has worn me and my sinuses down, I'm done with it, he's dead already. He was a great man that was once a Alex P. Keaton's President and a big fish in his own right. But, what bothers me as they drag this mans body across the purple moutains of majesty is that his passing has brought out more of the Liberal haters and what the fuck is up with hating on us Liberals, loathe us if you will, hate is what Terrorist do. My head hurts, have mercy people 'hate' is a very strong word. Have a SUPER day! :D