Monday, June 07, 2004

Manic Monday.....oh we oh....Wish It Was Sunday....oh we oh...Snarf, Sunday Is My Monday....oy.

What a weekend! I watched Book Expo America on cspans Book TV, hours spent listening to panelists discussing the state of the nation, the elitist cult of New York publishing, and how the vast amounts of literary blogs are to blame for the diminished investment of the "Arts" section of your newspapers and periodicals. Former President Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker and I finally saw his address late Saturday evening, in which he talked about his upcoming biography. Clinton is a born leader no doubt about it, his words were kind to his colleagues, he was humble, charming and reassuring, his book should prove to be great fodder for the pundits in the following months, but who cares...he's a lovely, fallible man not unlike many men and women who are reading this now.

Another former President Ronald Wilson Reagan passed away on Saturday, I was glad too, I can't imagine living in the hell that is Alzhiemers, may he rest in peace. He too was charming, funny and at times brilliant, his only fault that I can see was that he was human and a republican. :D And although his politics weren't my cup of tea, he was a great leader that helped bring down the wall of communism and that may be his greatest gift to humanity.

The Tony Awards were on last night and I watched almost all of it, the first hour was a flipping war to due the fact that The Divine Ms. M, Bette Midler was on Bravo's The Actors Studio. I LOVE the theater, I LOVE Bette, I AM a Faghag.

And finally, what the FUCK is the matter with Jennifer Lopez? Whatever the case she married singer Marc Anthony *yawn*, you make your children proud and your ex wife rich dude, too generous. Come to think of it, JLo has been married more than I've dated these past few years, heh. I bet Ben Affleck has exhaled in relief, Puffy probably sent her another *get out of marriage FREE card* and good ol' dancer boy Cris Judd just giggled to himself, while Onjani Noa opted to carve her name in his forehead as a wedding gift. Congrats (cough) Jen!