Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Vice President Hillary Clinton?

If the rumor is true we can assume that John Kerry's balls have finally dropped, let the games begin. This would give the election some much needed pizzaz aside from the mudslinging, my dogs bigger than your penis crap going on.
"All the signs point in her direction," said the insider, one of the most influential and well-placed in the nation's capital. "It is the solution to every Kerry problem."

I would definitely drag my apathetic ass to the polls if this was the case. I'm just not completely sold on the whole Kerry package and lord knows I won't vote for Bush. I've spent my life trimming the Bush and I'm tired of it, but do I want to vote for Kerry? Former President Clinton recently stated; "..John Kerry only gets to make one presidential decision, who is his running mate. Everything else about a challenger's campaign is words. So the most important thing is that he picks somebody that he believes with all his heart would be a great president if he dropped dead, got shot, was in a plane crash." With Hillary on the ticket you bet your ass I'll be voting because Kerry will have made the best choice possible, Hillary knows all about trimming Bush and I'd bet good money she's damn tired of it too.
"But what Hillary about having to wait to run for president? If Bush wins then she is the nominee for 2008 because it will be all Kerry's fault. If she wins she is the first woman VP of the United States, which would help her become the first woman president of the U.S. It would be historic in its own right and change the nature of politics in this country, and mark her place in the history books for ever-- a different history than her husbands."

A continuance of "Living History" to be sure.