We starve-look
At one another
Short of breath
Walking proudly in our winter coats (Prada)
wearing smells from laboratories
Facing a dying nation (US vs. Them)
Of moving paper fantasy (Enron)
Listening for the new told lies (Singing Bush? OY!)
With supreme visions of lonely tunes
Inside something, there is a rush of
Who knows what stands in front, of
Our lives
I fashion my future on films in space (Saturn, the supreme cock ring)
Tells me secretly
Everything (this is just sex, right?)
Manchester England England (um.....okay)
Manchester England England (sure, don't make me blog this)
Eyes look your last
Across the Atlantic Sea (New Zealand?)
Arms take your last
And I'm a genius genius (sniff that bitch!)
(I believe in God, the righteous being, that's me, that's me.)
We stop-look
At one another
Short of breath
Walking proudly in our winter coats (okay, Gucci)
wearing smells from laboratories
Facing a dying nation
Of moving paper fantasy (Halliburton?)
Listening for the new told lies
With supreme visions of lonely tunes
Our space songs on a spider web sitar (oh spidey, what a loverly web)
Life is around you and in you
Answer for Timothy Leary, dearie (don't eat the brown sugar cubes, don't eat anything that doesn't have a owner)
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
Now, don't get all naked or anything, but I'm sure by now you can smell the patchouli, I can....*sniffs armpit, ahhhhh*.
I'm a liberal, I believe in human and civil rights, I believe it is our most supreme purpose to help others who cannot help their sorry ass-selves, we--are the masters or our domains (touch at will, or not) but ultimately, I envision a world that works together to achieve the ultimate goal of survival.
We are together in this survival scenario whether you like it or not, and yes, my hope seem futile, that is until the rest of the world is educated to such matters. Ultimately, we are on a spinning glob of wonder, by the grace of God, whatever you deem him/her/it to be, we're in this this shit together. At this moment we are now we're choking, gagging on the preface of what of what we think we believe (learn more), there is not no right answer, creation, art (whatever you call it) is personal speculation, we live in the organic and will die organically. Put us in a mahogany casket, it will take us that much longer to become the dust we are born of. Let me remind you that in the words of Crosby Stills & Nash, we are stardust, we are golden. (polish the metal, if you must.)
Yeah, I'm a hippie bitch, but know this......we are the earth, we are the sky, science tells us that very notion, why think we're not? Evolution exists because it is scientifically plausible, can I get a "duh", yo.
We are proud of the belief structures we've made for ourselves, they are personal, my brain says what your brain doesn't, but if we work together and strive for all that is good in our nature, we as a society will learn and grow. If not, we'll die and so it goes. It is up to us and them and him and her and it (seek help) for our survival.
Longevity, diversity and the consumption of chocolate and large amounts of alcohol will only make us come together, ahhhhhhhh.......better to come together than not. We're in this together, discuss, debate, but know your mind, walk the talk and don't fear the outcome, the outcome is your destiny and the topic of debate, like 'him', like 'her'.....shit happens and guess what? The spinning rock will still spin like the bitch she is...despite our argument and debate, despite our beliefs, this rock will still spin with or without our words. Let's just do something to make it all better, together...just a thought. *smooches*
Can you smell the patchouli? LOL................smell my finger.