Thursday, July 15, 2004

"The best way to learn to be a lady is to see how other ladies do it." -Mae West

Whoopi blasted the Bush and lost her diet regime. Lesson learned: Be nice to your Bush or else you'll be fat for the rest of your life, bitch.

Slim Fast were most likely within their rights to fire Whoopi, but what the fuck do these corporations think when they hire the likes of controversial personalities and expect them to be something their not? To all the corporate heads out there, stop being dipshits and stand behind your actions and for the love of free speech, stop with the bending to the Bush's will, you are weak--*slap*. Fuck you Slim Fast and your blatant selling of the diet culture and fuck Whoopi for selling out to lose some weight, your better off not pimping food that tastes like the containers its sold in.

Courtney Love is experiencing peri-menopause, your a sweaty, crazy mess of estrogen. Fear not Courtney, its normal. What? Your not normal? Your extraodinary? Me too, an extraodinarily normal peri-menapausal cesspool of sweaty bitchiness and a wee bit crazy myself, most humans are, normal is a sporadic trend of civility. And what of these 'gynecological problems' as of late? It's part of the her downward spiral promotional techniques for the birth of her new Manga book, Princess AI, "A Diva Torn from Chaos, A Savior Doomed to Love". Unfortunately, I don't think a straight jacket was part of the promotional junket.

"Her behaviour during incarceration was erratic and confrontational and she was transferred to a state mental institution when her mother had her declared incompetent." --this is from Frances Farmers biography, sound familiar? On my 40th birthday I opted for a few small gatherings of friends and family, you might want to try that next year, its far less taxing than a lobotomy. Oh, and btw, Happy Birthday!