Wednesday, July 14, 2004

*drool*-------*splat*------and then there's tomorrow

The day started with computer component price comparisons and then off to Best Buy, then back home to write down what I forgot to write down, the prices, as to the um....prices, duh. You might ask why not print them? I might answer with, ARRRRRGH! Or I might just say that my computer, the piece o' shit it is, won't except the printer, it did at one time, but not since the last great crash of 2003, so I wrote the numbers down. The decision was made at that point (now afternoon) that all components will be bought at Computer Sonics, great prices, everything in stock stock, blah, blah, blah. I spent $577.00 for all the pieces for my fabulous new computer, the very computer I'm not using, as of yet. It's all assembled, but were still having some hard drive formatting issues which will be remedied tomorrow.

So needless to say, I'm still dial-up bitch *curtsey*, yeah baby. I was overly optimistic that we (my A+ certified brother Matt and myself) would have it up and running this evening, that I went and signed up for Comcast, again. When I say we, I mean I watched as Matt connected the thingymajigs to the thingythings correctly, actually I know the names of the thingymajigs, but I like that word more then all the technical names, it makes me feel all freakin' girlie to say thingymajigs *blush-puke-blush*. If I had done this on my own it may have taken weeks if not months as the majority of what I know of computers is self-taught and golly if I'm not a A.D.D bitch too and without Matt helping me, months down the line I'd finally have a new computer, a freshly knitted sweater and possibly eight or nine other new hobbies learned in that space of time. And maybe, if we hadn't had to circle endless Industrial Business Parks for over an hour in hideous humidity looking for the aforementioned Computer Sonics, we would have had the energy to continue on, but, such is life when you've sweated away every last drop of fluid from your body.

When Matt realized he needed a more current version of Windows, other than the archaic Win98 (support only available to the 3rd world countries still using it) to enable him to format the hard drive, we gave up on the new computer for the evening and bless his little heart for thinking he could get the Comcast modem to work on the fucking compaq. I reminded him, that months ago, I did all the same steps he was using to try to enable the modem. I reminded him that I had two Comcast technicians here doing all the same steps he was doing and it cost me $100 to watch them scratch their asses and leave me again with the moniker of dial-up bitch and limited funds for chocolate & beer for the remainder of the month, the fucking humanity of it. Once Matt realized he wasn't going to win the fight, beaten down and baffled by the fickle compaq, he enabled me to continue the adventures of dial-up bitch for another night.

Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow I'll live in the world of cable, tomorrow I will have a computer that will work for more than an hour, a computer that will let me run multiple programs. Yeah, you've heard that all before, but I'm hopeful and to be a dial-up bitch for one more night to bring you this bloggy update has left me all melancholy for what I'm about to lose (see Jane weep)....(*slap*)...(see Jane get over it), because tomorrows another day and tomorrow the sun will come out, and tomorrow if its humid again, I'll lose another pound from loss of fluids. As if dial-up and A.D.D bitch wasn't enough, I'm a freakin' human barometer.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow....your only a day away.....well, hours away actually, I've babbled enough, Good Night! :D