My collection is mostly comprised of Mickey Mouse, Superman, Batman, Catwoman, Archie and the occasional X-men. I loved Archie, until I found myself in a similar Archie, Betty and Veronica situation and now I 'spit' on that wishy-washy mother fucker, Fuck Archie, Betty and Veronica would be better off just running off together to live in sapphic yet, comic bliss (imagine the shopping!). the little girls that used to read Archie are now into Manga according to this article and according to the young girls and grown women who buy hundreds of dollars worth of Manga every month at my store. Okay, so maybe girls didn't buy as many comics as boys over the years, but apparently the ladies are making up for lost time.
My love of comics has faded to the occasional graphic novel or books about comics. And I admit right here and now, that when bookslut mentions a comic, well...I click the link and sometimes even order the item for myself, because again, I'm full of shit. As for Manga, I can live without it, its overpriced for one and if I wanted to relate my persona to a Super Hero it wouldn't be the americanized Japanese version of a Super Hero, I would liken myself to the mutant femme fatals of X-men. When I bleached stripes in my hair back in the 90's it wasn't because Ginger Spice was setting the trend, it was because of the X-man standee I had in my office/backroom at the book store and I was having a "How can I destroy my hair in 2 steps or less moment". Nowadays, my bleached stripes are gone and the comic spinner full, neglected and now considered a