Monday, August 02, 2004

Whirlwinder, Dolls & Political Spew To Keep You Busy...Adieu, Adieu

I'm off on a whirlwind business trip to the midwest, two days of meetings and airplanes, and layovers, its fucking bullshit to be perfectly frank, is their anyother way to be frank?, I prefer Vegas or Reno for these meetings, but the cubicle monkeys have a poorly planned 'bugeted' agenda and will be damned if they don't stick to it. I'd like to tell them where to stick 'it' but I so enjoy that weekly paycheck. In my absence, feel free to amuse yourself with the delights of the the following:
Cupie's Best O' dee Web (for those who can't surf themselves)

Holy Batshit it's the Batman Trailer!
How to be creative here.
Make a Doll, or just be like one here.
Denial is a river in Egypt. *cheers*
Ron Reagan thumps Bush.
The Great Almighty Bungholio Experiment....
"Do not make my Bunghole angry!"
Play with the subservient President!
Could you be gay? Click and find out here.
Arrrrrr, Shiver me timbers and Talk Like a Pirate Day is approaching, arrr.

Okay, my ass is numb, I have to pack, be well, behave and see ya in a few days!