Thursday, August 05, 2004

I'm back, your front and the rash, wasn't me.

The adventure ended as quickly as it began. The plane, the plane...Airbus, the destination fucking Omaha Nebraska. The mission, to discuss the company's goals and receive a multitude of free books. The weather, well.....let's just say that walking into 90% humidity makes me spontaneously slap random people (tourette's for the hands if you will) for contributing to my discomfort. Innocent bystander: "Man, its HOT here.... Me: (Hot Sweaty and desperately trying to replace nicotine lost during 5 hours of flying & airports) "I hate this shit"..*slap*. (I'm a traveling bag o' sunshine) Breathing in such dense humid air is like sucking the air from another person, pointless, unless you've saved a life. The hotel, a brand new Hilton filled with the likes of Tuskegee Airmen, Bono on the privatized 8th floor and beds so damn plush I tried to fit one in my suitcase.

During one of the workshops Mother Nature herself bitchslapped the humidity by way of a massive thunder and lightening storm like I've never seen before, it went on for hours and was the most spectacular meteorological event I've ever experienced. The wind was insane, blowing every which way, including loose..heh, the lightning was shooting from everywhere and a few of us watched the event from an outside cabana, chain smoking after every clap of thunder, bookgeeks are easily stimulated and amused.

The event was uneventful, entirely too much information was crammed into our beleaguered minds and before we could say...uh what?...we were on our way home and the tragedy of it all was that Bono was never to be seen. Flying at night offered some gorgeous electrical storms in the distance and Direct TV for a $5 fee. We got into Seattle a little after midnight and after unpacking this morning I noticed flyers in both my bags stating they had been searched. I guess they were suspiciously heavy with all those damn books, their findings...books and dirty underwear, lucky them. Anyhoo, I'm home and recovering from the whirlwind expedition and the one thing I learned....never pack dirty dainties with books and midwestern electrical storms rock.