Tuesday, September 21, 2004

TMLTMF is dead, long live TMLTMF!

"This blog has sucked lately, and our heart hasn't been in it. (We've been too busy writing slash fiction about that guy in the red pants from The Apprentice.)"

Btw, me thinks the guy in the red pants on the Apprentice is so very sexy, that aside, good luck to who ever the fuck this guy was, because I've enjoyed reading his blog for 2+ years, I've enjoyed seeing if he'd make it through yet another hangover and I've enjoyed learning new words like "twatosity" from him. Another Blog bites the dust just when they're earning so much respect from the media and so much resentment from Dan Rather.

The Major Lift, The Minor Fall, no truer word have been spewed. Best Wishes sir.
[via bookslut]