Saturday, November 20, 2004

LOL Clouds & WTF Planes

This little clip cracked me up. Using internet slang for warfare, good times. The music isn't my cup of tea but its effective for the clip. I do admit that I just recently attended a show of similar music, a few of us from the store went to support our friend Jorge's band Barefoot Barnacle at Doc Maynard's in Pioneer Square on Thursday. Barefoot Barnacle is instrumental group of fun loving thrash (kinda) metal, but its crunchy as fuck with a twist, a DEVO type posturing twist. I LOL'd and WTF'd a lot that evening and the following day as I recovered.=P

While recovering from entirely too much beer, I thought I might get some blogging done yesterday, but as my luck would have it, my computer had an episode of the Blue Screen Of Death. What did I do? What did I download? It's a brand new computer, fuck. A call to my brother Matt and a quick trip to Best Buy @ 9:30 in the evening fixed the problem--memory--I had me some bad memory.

Washington State is in the midst of a recount for Governor and if the numbers hold we'll have our first Republican in that office in 24 years, this is a little numbing and since November 2 most Democrats are still numb, its like we walked through a field of stinging nettles and are still walking, ugh.

I'm off to the Christmas holiday thingy at the Convention center downtown, when I return I'll be so full of the Christmas Spirit I'll shit tinsel for weeks, now that's a WTF & a LOL on the house people. Have a super Saturday!