Tuesday, November 23, 2004

My Paradigm Is Shifting And It Tickles

I do love "Buzz Words & Phrases" if you haven't noticed them, you will. Everybody is into branding themselves like a God damned piece of cattle. Everybody is 'ramping up', dare not to 'ramp down', you'll fall on your ass. Buzz word and phrases simplify the rhetoric and help get the message across to the simple folk of the business world. Take these simple phrases/buzz words and implement them into the Political world and the tipping point of the phrase or word has been reached.

The Democrats are now trying to brand themselves and its about time, well as long as its a positive brand. I know people are sick and tired of reading why we lost the election, sniveling excuses can be amusing at times, but like the author of the piece in the link above says; "We have to get marketing. Get the moans and groans out now, because this is how you win, and I don't wanna hear it.". Okay, fine, Dems will ramp up the positive and eliminate the negative. I've always said that, but unfortunately, not everyone listens to me, they should, but they don't and that's just fucking ignorant, heh.