Sunday, February 13, 2005


I've been watching the Grammy's tonight and golly the opening grouping of performers rocked, Alicia Keys is a freakin' Goddess, Green Day won for best rock album and their performance so rocked. The good ol' boys rocked out to some crazy kick ass hillbilly bar rock; I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've flicked my bic and screamed Free Bird!! in my life, yes, even at the Prince concert and once at my parents predominantly black church (heavy on the gospel, I got my groove on which incidentally is better than getting your groove off, especially in public).

Joss Stone did a super swell job of honoring Janis Joplin she's young and eventually she'll be one of the greats, but it was Melissa Etheridge in all of her bald glory that shined while singing Peace Of My Heart, I bet Janis smiled and wondered wtf was up with Ms. Etheridge, I did too, that is until I remembered the breast cancer, ain't life grand? You bet your ass it is!!! Ask Kayne West, you don't even need to ask Mr. Tim "Live Like You Were Dying" McGraw.

The hottest couple of the evening was not Mr & Mrs. Anthony (yawn) it was Jack White and his sexy bitch Loretta Lynn, Ms. Zellweger move over hon, Loretta and Jack were HOT!

History in the making? Velvet Revolver backed the all-star chorus singing the Beatle's Across The Universe which some of the proceeds will go to Tsunami victims, faboo.

John Mayer winning for song of the year for Daughters. Hey, did I mention that John Mayer would look fucking my bed. Yep. :D

Okay, its late (11:09) and the damn Grammy's are still on, whatever happens, or has previously happened in your time zone, I'm going to miss, must catch hours of beauty sleep, hell, a coma might be called for, but for now the standard 7 hours will have to do, until tomorrow...Adieu.