Wednesday, March 02, 2005


War of the words: Think what you will of her political views, but columnist Ann Coulter certainly has a gift for writing provocatively titled (and best-selling) books. To wit: "Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism" and "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right." Trying to one-up her, a campus-centered offshoot of the Center for American Progress sponsored a "Name Ann Coulter's Next Book" contest and released the results yesterday.

The winner: "Roosevelt: Wheelchair-Riding, America-Hating Terrorist,"

My choice: "Churchill Was My Bitch".

In other news the Ann Coulter Action Doll was seen trying to seduce Disney's, very muslim and very lucious, Princess Jasmine doll. Shocking as it may seem and knowing Ms. Coulter hates all dark meat, this goes to show the world, that its male dark meat the action figure hates. [via: Wonkette with Brains]