Saturday, March 05, 2005

Zoinks! Me A Hater?

Imagine my surprise when I received an email stating I was doing a great job and was likened to Maureen Dowd and Ann Coulter. I almost pissed my pants and I'm still cleaning the coffee spray off my keyboard and monitor. Ah, well, you can't please them all, can you? The interesting thing about this is that I was compared to extreme examples of both Liberal and Conservative spew masters. I don't know if I should be flattered or appalled. Besides, if you're pissing off someone, anyone for that matter, you know you are doing something right...or wrong. Whatever, I'm good with it all.

I admit, I can be brash, politically incorrect, bitchy and at times a raging hormonal wench, but at least I admit my short comings and own up to my failures. A big-ass brownie point for me; smack a gold star on my forehead for effort. Admittedly, I have been known to use my ovaries like six-shooters on the hips of a swaggering cowboy and shoot them at will during that special time-of-the-month. It's all for a humorous effect rather than a hateful, or dare I say, slanderous effect. However, when I read heinous bullshit, I spew. When I see ignorance run rampant, I spew. When I have something to say I say it, right or wrong. That's how we learn on this spinning orb o' Earth, eh?

Hate is not my message. Far from it. I abhor the word "hate." It's such a strong contemptuous word and should be reserved for those more deserving than myself. I am your bucket of sunshine. I am a dreaded blogger with no affiliation to any publication or company. My only fault, to some, is that I have a centrist Liberal leaning. At best, my posts are predominantly satirical. If we can't laugh at ourselves and the insanity of our surroundings, what do we laugh at?

What is my message to the World? Use your brains and think things through from both sides of the situation. Smile a lot, laugh a lot, fart a lot, dance, shine, be positive, be proactive, and don't take anything seriously unless you're up for the battle. Keep an open mind and if at times that comes across as hate, you're not getting the whole picture or you have no understanding of the use of satire in my posts and should most likely seek help immediately or have a drink or twelve.

*Cheers* and thanks for stopping by! xoxo