"I'm turning in my resignation today," Brown said. "I think it's in the best interest of the agency and the best interest of the president to do that and get the media focused on the good things that are going on, instead of me."
Brown, who said he last talked to Bush five or six days ago, said the resignation was his idea. He spoke on Saturday to White House chief of staff Andy Card, who did not request his departure, according to Brown.
At this point in the day the President Bush has no comment, although he'd rather talk to Chertoff than Brown himself, he's been busy yanno, being all presidential in the midst of destruction....and that's hard work, it's hard work.
-----We Agree----
The federal government should wipe out all debt of anyone who lost their home in the hurricane, whether they're rich or poor. To deploy two entirely appropriate cliches: Level the playing field and let everyone have a fresh start. But that's not what's happening. He's creating a mercernary, desperate society, where people are scrounging to make minimum wage to repair their destroyed neighborhoods.