Monday, July 10, 2006

Ode to Mr. Miyagi

This morning as I was waxing David Hasselhoff's chest, I thought to myself "if a guy can trade a red paper clip for a house, why couldn't I trade ALL of my multi-colored paper clips for a house?" These are some gorgeous paperclips in the lot, not just one damn red one. My mind raced, a house for a paper Moments later my head exploded with the possibilities, which, incidentally, made typing this post difficult.

Once I regained my mental faculties I got to thinking about plagiarism and what a hoot it can be, especially if you write for a living, well at least Ann Coulter thinks so. Example:

In a newspaper column that ran in 2005, Coulter wrote of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter:

"As New Hampshire attorney general in 1977, Souter opposed the repeal of an 1848 state law that made abortion a crime even though Roe v. Wade had made it irrelevant, predicting that if the law were repealed, New Hampshire 'would become the abortion mill of the United States."'

A Los Angeles Times article from 1990 noted: "In 1977, Souter as state attorney general spoke out against a proposed repeal of an 1848 state law that made abortion a crime _ even though the measure had been largely invalidated by the Supreme Court in Roe. vs. Wade ... 'Quite apart from the fact that I don't think unlimited abortions ought to be allowed ... I presume we would become the abortion mill of the United States(.)"'

LOL, whatever gets ya through the day! Now I don't want to bash anybody, trust me, I'm chock full of "oopsie's", but we pave the path we tread, don't we? Fortunately Ms. Coulter started with the defending of the um...copying text without credit due with the media:

ADAM CAROLLA: Ann Coulter, who was suppose to be on the show about an hour and a half ago, is now on the phone, as well. Ann?


CAROLLA: Hi Ann. You're late, babydoll.

COULTER: Uh, somebody gave me the wrong number.

CAROLLA: Mmm... how did you get the right number? Just dialed randomly & eventually got to our show? (Laughter in background)

COULTER: Um, no. My publicist e-mailed it to me, I guess, after checking with you.

CAROLLA: Ahh, I see.

COULTER: But I am really tight on time right now because I already had a ...
CAROLLA: Alright, well, get lost.

[Crosstalk in the studio]

CAROLLA: I'm tight on time, too, and I don't have time for bitches, so letÂ?s move on.


[inaudible] Tight on time... Go f- yourself, you're tight on time.

Female co-host (Teresa Strasser or Sarah Silverman?): I say this to Ann Coulter. Why the long face? (Laughter)

CAROLLA: Listen, you bitch, don't call in an hour and a half late and tell me you're "tight on time." Of course you're tight on time, you're an hour and a half God-damn late calling into a radio show. Just take your stupid book and go pitch it to your stupid cable outlets.

Perhaps she should have started her day with waxing on and waxing off the Hoffster.

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