Friday, January 30, 2004

The day off that wasn't

Once upon a time there was a regional specialist/store manager who took a friday off. As the day progressed and a flurry of emails from local distributors (waves to Russ), District Managers and a very confused Regional Buyer from the Home Office (somewhere in Michigan). All we wanted was a nice selection of local Bed & Breakfast books distributed throughout our district, apparently this regional specialist/store manger confused the lot of them, I'm good that way, I take the hardest route, my mind wanders, ideas come out of nowhere, next thing you know I'm thinking about how Bowie was dumped on the Apprentice last night, and then I'm thinking about books again before I start thinking about watching Pirates Of The Caribbean again, or say Two Towers??? Hmm. Next thing you know I'm chilling on a burrito and replying to yet another email about the Valentines day spread eg: Bed & Breakfast books, and then I'm whomping the shit out of penguin's of this moment I haven't had a work related email for over an hour, wow........*pin drops*