Sunday, February 15, 2004

The Further Adventures Of Dial Up Bitch

How blessed am I to know that Microsoft is willing to keep Win98 support around for another few years, you know, for the 2nd and 3rd world countries that are just now getting internet access, oh yeah and me. Fuck. In the next month or two I'm remedying the situation and building Cupie's Frankenstien Machine. I've had it with Compaq's or any proprietary machine for that matter, I don't want to be your bitch, I'm my own bitch and when something goes wrong with my lil' Frankenstien, it's up to me to fix, not the the masses of IT people who may or may not reply to my desperate emails. Hell, even my parents have cable now, I'm a little slow to the technical uptake due to the limitations of my Lemon, errrr, Compaq's unwillingness to accept any new programs, but when I have the new machine look out! Look out for what, I don't know, but it could be amazing or it could be just the same shit different day, only time will tell.

Being Dial Up Bitch has it's limitations as well, like say I'm blog hoppin' and I hit a page that takes more than a minute to load, whose got time for that? I don't have a problem waiting for games to load, but blogs on the other hand, I hate waiting for, the way I see it, if it doesn't load fast enough, ta ta. I could be denying myself something great by saying ta-ta, but if it's that great or important, the sucker should load faster, I lose interest quickly, I like to be dazzled, I don't like to wait. Such is the life of a dying breed. When the day comes and I'm no longer Dial Up Bitch, I'll be sad for like, 5 seconds and I'll visit those blogs, I'll watch the streaming videos and I'll download like a motherfucker on crack, whoopie, until then I wait. Again I say, fuck.