Saturday, February 07, 2004

Gather together ye' Democrats and get thee to a Caucus.

It's snot a Primary it's a Caucus, and it's today in Washington and Michigan. Yes, I was impressed with all the Dean supporters standing on the main intersection in my city....and yes, he was impressive on Meet the Press but is he presidential? Well, Bush isn't what I would deem presidential and he's in. What of Kerry? Nice fella, war vet and botox vet.....hmmmm.....vanity....should make a god God head. I just don't know, I like Welsy Clark too, but alas, he didn't drag his ass up here and expose himself to our wetness, Edwards too, and gosh Mr. Kucinich, might wanna go home now. If Dean doesn't win today he's outta here, I like the fella, he's for the little guy, so he doesn't have a's all about big business in this country, fuck the little guy...snarf. Whatever happens today, may God go with all the candidates....and someone please be rid of the cowboy, thanks.