Wednesday, February 04, 2004

If Governor Locke gets his way....

My dollar will be worth .90 cents, that's not even a coffee at Denny's. Yeah, the money will go to K-12 with a majority of the funds going to 'higher' education, I'm all for education, but it's madness I say. Our states minimum wage is already $7.01, with a 1% tax increase that very wage gets smacked back down to $6.30, deny education or just get used to shopping at Wal-Mart, which means your most likely buying product made in another country at a fraction of the cost it would take to make in America, which incidently if those very products were made in American the chances are unemployment would cease to exist, as would Wal-Mart, poof....*snap*....this makes my brain hurt....where was I going with this, I'm not sure.

If Bill Gates gets his way, it will cost people one penny per email sent....ow.

If I get my way, my ovaries will explode and I will never menstruate again.

It's good to have goals. Thank You & Good Night. :)