Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Somebody give me a donut!

When I tried Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution a few years ago, I got constipated and sick after two weeks of gnawing on all sorts of farm animals, and knowing the world didn't need yet another hormonal bitch full of shit, I stopped, took a laxative and ate a box of Ding-Dongs, I don't know how they got in the basket :D.

I've struggled with my weight all my life, I'm not huge mind you, but, I've been up there. I've done all the diets and I've swallowed all the pretty little diet pills, I've loaded up on cabbage soup and have eaten just about every flavor of protein bar out there. Last year, I didn't buy a loaf of bread for 10 months, and really how can one survive without the comforts of mashed potatoes & gravy, it's unrealistic and cruel. My weight fluctuated about 10 lbs., not exactly the dramatic results I was expecting. When my back went out, my parents fed me comfort food for a week, fried chicken, pot pies, I was in pain, but blissed out by the food. One thing I did noticed is that I didn't gain a damn pound during that time and that was because I was forced to exercise about three times a week for my physical therapy. After my discharge from PT, I stopped exercising for about 3 weeks and tummy started to giggle when I walked, duh, I started exercising again about two weeks ago and I'm gonna eat what I want (I can button my pants again, whew).

The autopsy report of the Dr. Atkin's proves he was most likely a lobbyist for the meat industry, heh, and his heart was about ready to supernova on his ass, cool as that sounds, it's not cool if you already have heart conditions. And if your like me and mood eat, say you hook a quart of Baskin Robbins to your head like a feedbag when something bad happens or your in a pissy mood, take Dr. Phil's simple advice of "it's not what your eating, it's whats eat you?"

I'm too the point where I hate selling diet books anymore, the same people buy the all the new diet books and um...their all still fat, imagine that. Try eating those books we all buy as a source of fiber, stop making excuses for our gluttonous American eating habits, follow the "Fuck It Diet" and for the love of God, exercise. Imagine the money you'll save not having to buy over-priced 'diet foods', imagine the bookshelf space when you burn the library of Diet books, think about it, and just do it.