Sunday, February 01, 2004

Whoopie!! It's Super Bowl Sunday and I don't give a shit!

I'm just not a big fan of the Super Bowl unless the Seahawks are playing in it (self confessed fair weather fan) and even then I think I'd have to be drunk to enjoy it, kinda like sex with a stupid ugly person, the more you drink the more fun it is. Not that I've ever done that....ahem....I'm recovered.....anyhoo. Goooooooo, Mariners.

Today I have the great pleasure of being a hair model for my stylist. Her salon is switching Hair Color products and each stylist had to pick a model for the class today and I'm the lab rat, whoopie! Also this evening I promised one of my employee's I'd go to the CD release party of New American Standard a local band that denies any connection to the emo-movement and have compared their sound to Sunny Day Realestate, hmmmmm....we'll see....if it's shitty I'll torture Aaron at work tomorrow. Just the thought of having to go Downtown and being up late in a stinky club with people much younger than myself posing and in general acting like asses is not so thrilling, but,'s short and I haven't been out in awhile and I'll want to show off the new dye job, yanno. This Lab rat just may have fun.