Tuesday, February 03, 2004


So, at work yesterday I listened to people bitch about the half-time show, older generations bitched about the lack of diversity (ageism, snarf), the general consensus on talk radio was the declining moral values of today's youth, blah, blah, blah. Personally, I don't think it's a decline of moral values so much as the Y generations lack of social skills, it's a different world, but listen up kids, it's so NOT all about you, one way to understand your society as a whole would be to read Generations, trust me, it will help you to understand those people dissin on you. :D

As for Ms. Jackson's nipple episode, again I say, it was a fucking boobie, get over it. If the FCC does goes forward and fines CBS they better start fining the world (dumbasses), I've seen worst things on network television and CBS, rapes, murders um...CSI....Survivor....the horrors of Everybody Loves Raymond, etc.....it was BREAST!!! Sweet Jesus. I will agree the Kid Rock wearing the flag like a poncho was tacky, but hey, give him a break, it's all he could find in his trailer and the Wal-Mart must of been closed. I enjoyed the half-time show, it was fun and I shook my ass dancing away, am I wrong for liking it, no, and fuck you if you don't like that I liked it, to each there own, yanno. Ultimately, it was 15 minutes of fun, the world is still spinning and no one lied to get you to watch it, but hey, your fricken President lied to you about WOMD and he gets no fines and half the country still loves him, ugh. Pick your battles people and chill the fuck out.

What I am wrong about is New American Standard not having a website, I'm just an idiot overlooking the site address on the posters, the cd, etc. Again I thoroughly enjoyed them, and Aaron, you were marvelous darling, a whomping mad muppet of a drummer, I was impressed and that's not an easy task, unless of course you'd like to bare your breast in public. ;)