Sunday, April 20, 2003


I have no idea where my comments went. Flwwwwwwwhpt.

Well it's Easter Sunday, a day of rebirth, he has risen, he has risen indeed. I guess in the luminous glory of God's love it's OK to get your dead ass up and say hi. "Um...yeah, I was dead......but I have some unfinished business and a few bills are due, so I decided to take charge of my future and wake my rotting flesh up." I don't think the majority of people would dig it if their loved ones 'arose' after the funeral. If it were commonplace, I would think that shotguns would be a needed accessory to the funeral attire........"Look ma, that bugger is pulling a Jesus thingy.....****bam***** messiah is enough, ty." Some say that the resurrection is a symbolic thing.....the journey to be with his father in Heaven....etc. Maybe he should have just waved instead of freaking out his followers and bringing us an unpaid religious holiday.....which starts at sunrise!!! Ack!

One good thing about today is that tonight on my return home from the family shindig I will have quiet and calm and ABC will show the 10 commandments again.......and I will watch (again) and think to myself.......this is long and fall asleep.

I'll fix the comment thingy later, because there is no greater joy on earth comments. LOL.....Snarf.