Friday, May 09, 2003


A long day ahead but first I bring you this......ugh. Your welcome.

Reinserting one's self back into the Matrix is hard....LOL....I got a new DVD player and Telly for me bday last weekend, thanks to my family I may never leave home again....heh. And after 3 years of NO cable I've opted for it again (next tooosday).......yippee....mmmkay methinks I better get back into life soon....I've been avoiding social thingys and whatnot, mostly because the sincerity of people doesn't register well anymore....everyone has their own fucking agenda....and if you fit into it.....well golly....lucky you. (chews the bitter bitch pill) hehe. Time is the biggest factor, lil ol' A.D.D. moi wants to learn a million things..(omg, my personal agenda is showing)...and I haven't been stopping to smell the roses......well I've been known to eat the roses....but that's ok, fiber is good. Next!