Thursday, March 31, 2005

Heil Delay!

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior, but not today."
[via a massive ego US Newswire via Think Progress via Atrios]

Why Mr. Delay, you studly hunk of morality, you! That language makes my panties all moist and I'm all a quiver with your ability to get all dictator-ish and vengeful. Sir, I am beside myself with want of you, you make all us "good" Christian's proud, not to mention horny as double-decker toad! Now don't go and worry your pretty lil' head about Jesus, he'll be pissed for a little while, but I'm sure that once he thinks things through, he will see your stellar and very southern, very sexy point of view. *Giggle* I'm certain our Lord Jesus won't ask his daddy to unleash some wrath on your fine and righteous ass. You are one powerful and sexy muthafucker! *Giggle* ;)