Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sell Your Publications On Amazon

I cannot even begin to tell you how many authors come into my store pimping their books without an ISBN and barcode. After I explain the how-to's, they usually look at me like I'm a wicked corporate book bitch (true, true, but I look good doing it) and then they go into how some stores buy the books to sell on consignment. That's all fine and good for a gift shops in tourist towns and the person buying the cute little sculpture of a seagull shitting on pilings and might just need some reading material for their vacation, but if you want your stuff to be exposed to the masses it cost some serious buckage.

I found this fantastic little cheat sheet on how to sell your shit on Amazon.com, it covers all the bases; prices, contacts and practical advice. The advice works the same when submitting your titles to the evil corporate book chains, trust me or not.